What the Experts Say

Scientific experts around the world support the safety of sucralose and its role in reduced-calorie products as part of the fight against rising obesity levels. Below are a few quotes about the benefits and safety of sucralose:

In determining the safety of sucralose, FDA reviewed data from more than 110 studies in humans and animals. Many of the studies were designed to identify possible toxic effects including carcinogenic, reproductive and neurological effects. No such effects were found, and FDA’s approval is based on the finding that sucralose is safe for human consumption.

FDA Talk Paper T98-16.

There is adequate evidence, [for sucralose], that there are no concerns about mutagenicity, carcinogenicity, development or reproductive toxicity.

Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food of the European Commission on Sucralose, September 7, 2000

The low-calorie sweeteners in the United States all underwent extensive testing before they were approved. Results showed that low-calorie sweeteners are safe for everyone, including children and pregnant women. Sucralose is the newest low-calorie sweetener on the market. Sucralose is not affected by heat and retains its sweetness in hot beverages, baked goods, and processed foods.

American Diabetes Association

Sucralose was approved by the FDA as a tabletop sweetener in 1998, followed by approval as a general purpose sweetener in 1999. Before approving sucralose, the FDA viewed more than 100 safety studies that were conducted, including studies to assess cancer risk. The results of these studies showed no evidence that these sweeteners cause cancer or pose any other threat to human health.

National Cancer Institute

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Yikes! The holidays are here! According to a new study, Americans typically gain a small amount of weight around Thanksgiving and then a bit more around Christmas.i The researchers estimate that it takes about 5 months to lose those holiday pounds. Rather than starting the New Year with a resolution, this year resolve to eat … Continue reading

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SucraloseTips & Recipes

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About Sucralose

Millions of consumers around the world have been enjoying products sweetened with sucralose since it was first introduced into the marketplace over 20 years ago.

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Is Sucralose Safe?

With many studies attesting to its safety, sucralose provides a sweet taste, can help control calorie intake while still eating sweet-tasting foods

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